To be an Arab is not to come from a particular race or lineage. To be an Arab, like an American, is a cultural trait rather than racial. The Arab world includes Muslims, Christians, and Jews. Any person who adopts the Arabic language is typically called an Arab.
Coastal area experiences <u>two high tides and two low tides</u> after every 24 hours and 50 minutes.
<u>Explanation</u>:Earth rotate through two tidal bulges every lunar day.Lunar day is the time it takes for a specific site on a Earth to rotate from an exact point under the moon to the same point under the moon. The lunar day is 24 hours and 50 minutes but solar day is of 24 hours.The lunar day is 50 minutes longer than the solar day because Moon revolves around the earth in the same direction that the Earth rotate around it's axis,so it takes the Earth an extra 50 minutes to meet the moon.
High tides occur 12 hours and 25 minutes apart.It takes 6 hours and 12.5 minutes for the water to go from high to low and from low to high.
Tides are caused by Moon's gravitational force.Water bulge in the direction of Moon due to gravity.This is called tidal force.Water on the side of moon bulge out towards the Moon.This bulge is called high tide.When earth is away from moon it experiences low tide.
if its only enjoyment, no one would really gain anything from reading it. but with slight uneasiness, the reader will begin to question things thus giving them a deeper meaning
Systems analysis
A system refers to a set of integrated parts, steps, or elements to form a more complex structure, for example, a computer system contains electrical pathways, processors, memory, electrical pathways, a power supply, etc. Systems analysis refers to a process of problem-solving that means looking at the larger structure, taking apart the components and finding out how it operates to achieve a particular goal.