An example of Kenning from Beowulf is 'whale-roadd' used to define the sea.
Kenning is a figurative language usually found in Old English and Old Norse poetry. This figurative language is used by combining two words to describe an object. This figurative language has been used extensively in Beowulf, the oldest surviving text.
<u>One of the example from the text Beowulf is 'whale-road.' The phrase 'whale-road' is combined with two nouns 'whale' and 'road' to describe metamorphically 'the sea.' Addressing the sea to be a road for the whale.</u>
<u>A kenning is combined with two words, that is, a base noun and a determinant.</u>
It is the negative feedback mechanism if I’m not mistaken
The statements that indicate an informal tone that is inappropriate for an academic paper are:
When you think about it, this poem is really crazy.
I can't believe that people think that this writer's talented.
This book should be avoided like the plague it's so bad.
Academic papers demand a more formal tone that confers more objectivity to them. They avoid using the first person, expressing subjective opinions, and using an overall informal, colloquial language. The purpose is to present information via an impersonal tone. Among the sentences we were provided for analysis, there are three that present a personal opinion of the speaker in quite a colloquial manner, using everyday language to convey a subjective perspective:
When you think about it, this poem is really crazy.
I can't believe that people think that this writer's talented.
This book should be avoided like the plague it's so bad.
What even is loyalty? The book definition of loyalty is "
the quality of being loyal." What is loyal? Loyal is "giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution." Loyalty is definitely one of the strongest traits someone needs to have. How can you leave your wallet around an unloyal person? How could you marry an unloyal person? Being loyal is definitely something that sticks around in jobs, friendships, family, siblings, and relationships. Promising your loyalty does nothing, it's all about actions and how you will prove your loyalty. In jobs, being loyal to your coworkers and not spreading lies, stealing, and just creating conflict is a definite necessity. Sleeping at night knowing your significant other isn't doing anything bad behind your back is also a form a loyalty. Its about the trust you put into a person or thing, and how they prove it to you. Have you ever broken your promise of loyalty?
hihi hoping this is good enough, 160 words even.