1. Contextual
2. Universal
3. Contextual
4. Universal
1. In “I’m Nobody! Who Are You?”
Emily Dickinson uses the image of
quicksand to symbolize flattering
admirers. (contextual)
2. In “Time” Zoe uses the object of the
hourglass to symbolize the passage
of time. (Universal)
3. In “Rival” Sylvia Plath uses the image
of the moon to symbolize her mother. (Contextual)
4. In “Eternal Life” Phil uses the image
of water to symbolize life. (Universal)
Water generally symbolizes life and the hour glass a reprsntative of passing time, regardless of the context
a roar can be used in both a lion and thunder
This is important because say they accidently spelled your name wrong, then someone else could be accused of a crime they didn't commit. Or even worse they could accuse you of lying about things on the police report when in all actuality it was just written wrong
Become a better writer. The Kauai writers conference.