Such heavy reparations and punishment were reflected in The Treaty Of Versailles.
Federalism is a kind of government where the force is split between the public government and other administrative units. It stands out from a unitary government, where a focal position holds the force, and a confederation, wherein states, for instance, are unmistakably prevailing.
During the years 1820-1850, the north and south had quite different daily lives. On the north side, working conditions were terrible as the factory system was developing. As the working conditions had worsened while the factory system was developing many people had lost their jobs which means they couldn't make money to help survive and raise their families. On the south side, cotton was extremely popular to them. Farming was the source of income and food to many people on the south side.
Not sure this is the answer you are looking for. If it's not please let me know what exactly you are looking for and I'll be more than happy to help you out. :)
a compass wouldn’t be much help in navigating from one point to another. While the moon does have a magnetic field (which is the force that makes a compass work), it’s much weaker than the magnetic field here on Earth.
World war 2 era marked the end of colonialism. If you look at what happened after ww2 you'll see that both in Africa and in Asia, new countries were born from French and British colonies.
This is a direct consequence of the USA being the western superpower, she obliged her former allies to free their colonies. On one hand that has to do with their history, that is to say, a republic born after fighting a king. But it also has an economic explanation; independent countries will probably buy more American goods than colonies.
That worked fine in some countries (Egipt, Irán, India) but did not work at all in others: Vietnam, Iraq, Siria, Uganda, etc.
Finally, all this happened because European colonialist countries did not have any power to achieve any different deal with the USA.