Sky rocket high: to cause to rise or increase abruptly and rapidly.
overwhelming:upset, overthrow
Aggressive: to cause to rise or increase abruptly and rapidly, violent
Exhausted: tired
Groceries: grocer's shop or business
Wearily: with extreme tiredness
A sigh of relief: To show relief, relaxation
Made our way: your own way
Accompanied: go somewhere with (someone) as a companion or escort.
Pleasant: giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment
The chivalry code that Gawain strives to live up to is one of loyalty, courage, and courtesy, a code of behavior expected of knights. Throughout his journey, Gawain remained courageous and brave at all times. He felt that honor and valor were important qualities in a knight so he always strived to uphold them.
a comparison of daily temperature in June
it's over the course of a month & temperatures change
Paragraphs 4-8 contribute to the development of idea of how witchcraft trials were being conducted in Salem.
Paragraphs 4-8 contribute to the development of idea of how witchcraft trials were being conducted in Salem. Explanation: 'Witchcraft in Salem' is an article by US History. The article predicates the account of witchcraft trials conducted in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692-93.