The Geats passed by the guard at the shore. He called out a greeting to them as they loaded their treasure aboard the ship. Beowulf gave a jeweled sword to the man who guarded the boat. This gift earned the man much respect in the beer hall.
The word comes from the Latin verb, which is made up the prefix ad, meaning "to," and tribuere meaning "give or bestow."
Joe Redington Sr invented modern long-distance dog Racing, turned into the Alaska State deport.
He bring back to prominece the sport by organizing the long-distance race, looking to save the sled dog culture and Alaska Huskies, witch were being extint in the region, he used to say ¨Dogs will always keep you warm and take you there¨, ¨If he didn´t see a dog in home entrances, he didn´t had a Good feeling¨ also he did want to preserve the historical Iditarod Trail between Seward and Nome.
Since the 70´s the competition has grown even with financial issues, but it became a very well renowed sport that later the competitors where sponsored as any other sport.
do 15 1/8-1 3/5 so that is 13 21/40, then 13 21/40 divided by 5/16, so the answer is 48, because it is COMPLETE servings
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<em>How would you best apply American English in a college setting?</em>
<em>The correct answer is By making sure your writing is always in Standard American English.</em>
- <em>Standard American English or SAE refers to the English language that is generally used in professional communication and in American schools. This English sees a prescriptive use of the language in a college setting; this is for example that the double negative cannot be used. It is very important that college students show linguistic good manners, a use of language attached to the context of readers, situation and purpose. However, the constant change in the language makes us constantly adjust, adapt and check what we have learned.</em>