Yes, stimulating it with electrodes can potentially help improve mood and alleviate symptoms in those who suffer from treatment-resistant depression, among other ailments.
Because there are several factors that determine weight loss or gain and reducing calorific intake is just one of them (for reducing weight loss). Other factors that should be considered is exercise. Doing regular exercise ensures that the metabolic rate of the body is increased so much of the calories are burned even after intake. Having a lower metabolic rate can result to increased weight gain even with low calorie intake.
When u need a question answered you click on the camera or you could even type it but I like the camera and u just take a picture of the problem and then u go to the most recent ones that have the correct question on it and scroll down and see the answers but for me I check if there are more than 2 answers of the same one before answering it.
Dry mouth or a decrease in urine output possibly ?