We know that the midpoint is the a point in the center of the line (r). This means that from the midpoint to the endpoint (qr) is half the length of the overall line. This means that 5.7 (the length of qr) units is half the length of the line. Two halves make a whole so 5.7 × 2 = 11.4 units as the length of the entire line qs.
Hope this helps!
Step-by-step explanation:
U2 = 7
U1 = 35/2
r = 7 ÷ 35/2
r = 7 × 2/35
r = 14/35
r = 2/5
It is true. A ratio compares to two fractions
Step-by-step explanation:
Each signal unit cubes are 1 cm to each side
the dimensions of the large cube is 4 by 6 by 3 width height and depth
a) volume of the cube Vol = area of the base times height
area of the base = the width times the depth
Volume = Base Depth
= Width x Depth x Height
= 4 x 3 x 6
= 12 x 6
Vol = 72 cm ³
b ) the volume of the smaller cuboid has different dimensions
the smaller cube is 2 by 2 by 1 width height and depth
Volume = Base Depth
= Width x Depth x Heigh
= 2 x 2 x 1
Vol smaller cuboid = 4
How many smaller cubes can be made?
The obvious answer might be to straight up divide the large cube volume by the smaler cuboid volume. That might work IF all of the cuboid dimensions divide evenly into the cube dimensions.
Number of cuboid = Volume of the cube / Volume of the cuboid
= 72 / 4
= 18
Check this answer by dividing the dimension of the cube by the cuboid
4 by 6 by 3
2 by 2 by 1
(4/2) by (6/2) by (3/1)
2 by 3 by 3 = 2 x 3 x 3 = 18
Answer: a=1,b=1
Step-by-step explanation: