In "The feather pillow" by Horacio Quiroga when the parasites don't have a human to feed on they usually are small, they are parasites of feathered creatures. This parasite, in particular, has been feeding on Alicia's blood, that is why it became so monstrous. We learn about this in the last parragraph of the story.
Do you mean The American Revolution? If thats the case, the arguments in favor it Britain is that they have the the strongest navy, so without the help of the French (including Lafayfette) they couldn’t stand a chance, and the king(King George III) tried to pay the debt, and prevented the colonists (Americans) from going to the other side, so they don’t have to get into a fight with the natives. As for against, King George took too much control, and even made a declaratory law that he could control what happens in the colonies, and that the colonists would have very little power. He was also taxing them, but they were poor, so they rebelled against him. Sorry if I wrote a book. Also, I hope it helps you!
Well it relates because they are trying to find something to help them through the hard times that is happening. when the thief comes in it caused tension.