The Owl and the cat are personified as a couple who are eloping with little means. They set sail in a pea-green boat with 5 pounds to their name and used one shilling of that (Around a quarter) to purchase a ring to consummate their marriage because they had tarried for too long.
Abigail this because in the very beginning, her actions have lead to lying and blaming others. She also starts issues with John Proctor’s wife because of the affair.
Remember we are on the side
Of the angels; danger we condemn
However, we cannot hide
From the fact we are not them
I feel like this part means inherently we are good ( we walk on the side of angels) However despite our best efforts we are not angels and awe show that we are not by lying, cheating, stealing ect.
Often we must act the devil
And play along with sin
But remember too, we do not revel
In the suffering of our kin
So often in our lives we forget the goodness we have in us and we sin mainly we hurt ourselves.
An infected person sneezes, coughs, etc. near you. You inhale the virus particle, and it attaches to cells lining the sinuses in your nose. The virus attacks the cells lining the sinuses and rapidly reproduces new viruses. The host cells break, and new viruses spread into your bloodstream and also into your lungs.
fun stuff