Satellites increased the speed of global communications.
Satellites speeded up the global communications, all communication that before of this had to travel great distances and was electricly transportated thru a wire now had the chance to be just broadcasted from and to a satellite, you could have global communication worldwide.
no, it could've been prevented, if certain regulations were in place to prevent the bank and stock market runs
It was called "critical period" because the government at the center failed in his capacity to bring about solutions to many problems relating to the economy.
John Fiske in 1888 describe the critical period of American history as the period where colonies that were independent are bedeviled with lots of assemblage of domestics and array of foreign issues during the end of the revolutionary war in America in 1783.
It must be noted that it was during the period that George Washington was also to be inaugurated as the new American president
Benjamin Banneker was a free African-American almanac author, surveyor, landowner and farmer who had knowledge of mathematics and natural history. Born in Baltimore County, Maryland, to a free African-American woman and a former slave, Banneker had little or no formal education and was largely self-taught. :)
Hernan Cortes was the Spanish conquistador who conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico between 1519 and 1521.
Due to several adversities, Cortes did not come to the New World until 1506. He took part in the conquest of the islands of Hispaniola and Cuba and received large lands and Native American slaves for his efforts.
Cortes eagerly sold and pledged all his land to buy ships and supplies. He arranged through Cuba's governor Diego Velazquez, a distant relative, as well as his father-in-law, that he should lead an expedition. Officially, the goal was to discover and trade with the new countries it was rumored to be westward. He was forbidden to colonize, but through his persuasive ability and legal knowledge he had previously obtained, succeeded in persuading Governor Velazquez to insert an additional clause. It would allow him to take the necessary action without authorization, "for the good of the kingdom". At the last minute, the governor felt that Cortes was too ambitious for his own good, and changed and deleted the clause. Basically, the expedition was a private adventure as it had been funded by Cortes' own and borrowed funds.
With only 700 men, he succeeded in conquering the Aztecs' kingdom against all odds. When Cortes arrived in Mexico in 1519, the Aztecs waited for their god Quetzalcoatl to return and overthrow the Aztecs. When Cortes appeared, it was believed that a god had come. The Aztecs terrorized their neighbors by occasionally attacking them to take prisoners, which were used at religious ceremonies (with cannibalistic elements). Therefore, there was a great dissatisfaction among the Native American tribes around the Aztecs. Therefore, many of these stood on the Spanish side.