Discuss amalgamation, assimilation, and pluralism. how do these three arrangements differ from each other? what is the end resul
t of each process? critical thinking questions 1. list one stereotype that you have heard. where did you hear this? do you think it is a common stereotype in society? how might this stereotype be damaging to the group involved? 2. do you think that your country experiences amalgamation, assimilation, or pluralism? why?
1.- These 3 arrangements differ from each other, since the Amalgamation, is the mixture of different things, they may be cultures or races, the Assimilation is the process of adaptation of the immigrant to the receiving society. This acquires the culture and customs of the adoption community, disappearing their status as "different". To the extent that the immigrant adopts the culture of receiving society, this will admit you as one more member, producing its full integration. This theory has been strongly criticized, from the ethical point of view, but also by believing that the immigrant will adapt to the new culture, independently of its origin, race or religion. And Pluralism refers to the dominant trend is that neither natives nor immigrants want to lose their identity, and adaptation would occur through the adherence of all, to common principles of coexistence , being able to maintain at certain levels the cultural characteristics of each group and as long as the conflicts that may arise do not affect these basic principles of coexistence, which are those that confer a sense of community and avoid social fragmentation. The most common stereotypes are: Americans, Latins, African Americans, Chinese, they will be more or less frequent depending on the city where you live, Latins are a common stereotype in the northern United States, and I do not think they are harmful to any group, The harmfulness of something or someone does not come from their race, or stereotyping.2.- In my country we experience the 3 arrangements, amalgamation, assimilation and pluralism, nowadays, thanks to globalization, we experience all 3 in many countries of the world, in almost all countries there is a mixture of races and customs derived from foreign citizens, in many of them foreigners adapt so much to the culture that they are inserted very quickly assimilating it as their own, and in many others the different cultures struggle to maintain their origin and customs, giving way to pluralization.
Answer: Amalgamation is the mixture of cultures, idiosyncracies, ideas, races whereas assimilation is the process of adaptation of the immigrant to the receiving society. The immigrant acquires the new culture and customs of the adoption community then the immigrant is no longer considered an "alien". This topic becomes highly controversial since adapting to a new culture might mean losing the immigrant's religion and culture. Pluralism is a condition or system in which two or more states, groups, theories, sources of authority, etc., live together. The notion of pluralism is important for the coexistence of human beings. When thinking about pluralism is always good to remember the saying: "Live and let live".
1.-One stereotype or prejudice that I heard, when I was surfing the net, is a bit funny. According to an stand up comedian Americans think that Chinese don't drive well. He was telling a joke saying that when you see a traffic jam you notice people honking their horns but Chinese never honk their horns because they are the ones at the top of the line up cars. However, stereotypes can be very damaging because they can make us react unappropriately when we believe in things that are not true. Here it is important to remember Jesus when he said: don't judge and you will not be judged.
2.-In my country there is amalgamation, assimilation and pluralism. I live in Peru and maybe you have heard the latest news many immigrants are coming from Venezuela to Peru and many people show their pluralism and accept them well but there are other people that don't seem to like them. They say that they like the easy things and the are damaging the labor market because they are willing to work for lower salaries. Some Venezuelans have amalgamated into our society, but some others have fallen into delinquency. Some have assimilated into our culture and they even know how to prepare Peruvian food. My personal point of view is Venezuelan must be more than welcome if they work honestly.
They challenged sexism because they showed that women had the ability to think rationally in the search for political improvements in their communities, they challenged racism because they showed intellectual, educated and sufficient black women. The concerns of these clubs were to seek changes in public policies and social concepts aimed at the black female population.
These groups helped black women to break stereotypes and achieve equality in certain parts of their communities, however, they also raised prejudice within the black community itself, mainly in relation to male clubs.
Black women’s clubs had as main objective to unite black women in causes that sought to break stereotypes harmful to black women and seek social and political equality for them. These clubs started out as literary clubs, where they brought together intellectual women to discuss subjects related to literature. Over time, clubs have evolved and started to discuss political facts and to work directly with communities seeking redress and equality for the country's black populations.
Although they did a good job for this cause, these clubs caused great prejudice on the part of white women's clubs and male clubs, even within black communities.