Your DNA is basically your human code
The DNA contains what makes you, well you, and it also contains the codes for how you will grow, your health, and reproduce. Your DNA is vital if it gets damaged or something happens along the way the message can't go through, that's when deformities and others things can happen.
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Answer: The question is incomplete,below is the complete question.
What are the terms describes the dna–protein complexes that look like beads on a string?
A) Chromatin
B) 30-nanometer fibre
C) Histones
D) Nucleosome
The correct answer is option D
Explanation: A Nucleosome is the basic fundamental unit of a DNA, and the fundamental sub-unit of a Chromatin.
The Nucleosome is the basic packing unit of DNA,it is built from histone proteins. A nucleosome is made up of 8 histones proteins resembling a thread wrapped round a spool.
The smallest bundle of DNA is known as a Nucleosome,a Nucleosome is produced through interaction between DNA and histone proteins.
If i'm not mistaken the answer is eutrophic
The algae has no plants to feed on and in turn makes them feed of oxygen and makes less suitable for any type of plant life.