Multiplicity of interests protects the rights of citizens through having the Republican principle of representation. This is achieved through the constitution which establishes various branches of power and a bicameral legislature. This makes it harder for there to be a majority faction, ensures a multiplicity of factions, which will decrease the loyalty to factions.
Africa was stripped of many resources by the Europeans
Homestead Strike, also called Homestead riot, violent labour dispute between the Carnegie Steel Company and many of its workers that occurred on July 6, 1892, in Homestead, Pennsylvania. The strike pitted the company’s management (which included owner American industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie and American industrialist Henry Clay Frick), the strikebreakers (replacement workers) who had been hired, and the Pinkerton National Detective Agency against members of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers, who worked for the company. A gun battle resulted in which a number of Pinkerton agents and strikers were killed and many were injured.
The answer to your question is D. It establishes. Hope this helps!
Los nómadas viven en un entorno más cambiante ya que la propia definición de nómada es de una persona que se mueve constantemente de lugar de residencia.
Esto debido a que los nómadas son cazadores y recolectores, aunque algunos también son pastoralistas, y otros ocasionalmente practican algo de agricultura. Los nómadas necesitan cambiar de lugar de residencia en el momento en que los recursos naturales que necesitan se agotan en un lugar específico.
Las personas sedentarias en cambio, basan su alimentación en la agricultura, y tienden con el tiempo a construir civilizaciones. Como la agricultura permanente requiere de un gran cuidado, éstas personas necesitan vivir cerca a sus cultivos con el fin de poder sembrarlos, mantenerlos, y cosecharlos.