Queen Victoria gave the desk to the president has a token of good will.
bruh k12 i just on a quiz Vladimir
Obama's foreign policy was a bit more conciliatory toward certain countries than that of his predecessor, however, Obama also intervened militarily in other countries like his predecessor did in the past.
For example, Obama sought peace agreements with Iran and Afghanistan, while Bush was much more aggressive against these countries.
But Obama also intervened with the American military in Libya and Syria, two countries that were civil wars that have not ended yet.
Another thing to highlight is that Obama tried to normalize relations with Cuba, while Bush was much more aggresive against the Island.
This is because both Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands were unincorporated territories of the United States with the U.S president as head of State. There was no need to patrol Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands as the U.S blockade was against Cuba, not against the two U.S territories.
How were the Irish Immigrants treated when they came to America?