They act to regulate the expression of specific genes (androgen-responsive)
Testosterone is a reproductive hormone in male humans. Testosterone as well as its closely related hormones e.g dihydrotestosterone, all belong to a class of hormones called "Androgens".
Androgens operate by entering into a cell and binds with specific androgen-receptor proteins (AR proteins). This contact activates the AR proteins, forming an androgen-receptor complex.
This complex then translocates into the nucleus of specific cells to bind to the DNA. Once it binds, it either inhibits or promotes the expression of specific genes (androgen-responsive). Hence, AR proteins are transcription factors because they play a significant role in regulating transcription of specific genes i.e. turning 'on' or 'off' of specific genes.
This process helps to direct the development of male sexual characteristics.
Land heats slower and too lower tempetures then water i believe is correct
Physical arousal can facilitate passionate love. It is a naturally occurring and deeply embedded trait found within the DNA of living organisms. The purpose of such is the need to propagate the species in order to ensure its survival in the long run of evolution.
Answer:The last minor reason there are no basements in the south has to do with the frost line. For a building to maintain strength, its foundation should be below the frost line in the soil. ... There is no reason for builders in the south to build a basement because the foundation doesn't need to be very deep anyway.