The difference between protons and neutrons are that one has a positive charge and one has a neutral charge. The similarities between the two is that they both make up an atom. The Electrons in an atom are in orbit of the cell inside the Electron cloud and is kept in the cloud by electromagnetic force.
B. To orient themselves and to find food
Since they cannot see very well or even at all in some cases, these animals use echolocation instead to orient themselves, to find where they are, and to find food.
Depending upon the country and community in which you live, the authority exercised by elected officials is defined by formal rules and informal norms of behavior that apply in that jurisdiction. Authority is the willing compliance, almost automatic, with dictates from figures to whom we grant that authority. The formal rules limiting government officials’ authority should protect citizens from abuses of that authority but informal norms may sometimes allow elected officials to get away with actions that violate those rules or, at least, bend them to their own purposes.
It is a part of the cell cycle.