Los aminoácidos al unirse por enlace peptídico forman también polímeros más pequeños que las proteínas, que se denominan péptidos. ... La bleomicina es un péptido que se encuentra entre los agentes antitumorales.
You’re answer to this question would beD
The temperature of the Sun's middle most layer is 6,000 degrees Celsius to 20,000 degrees Celsius.
- The sun is basically divided into inner and outer layer.
- The inner layer consists of Core, Radiative Zone and Convection Zone.
- The outer layer has Photosphere, chromosphere, transition region and corona.
- The chromosphere is the middle layer that can vary its temperature 6,000 degrees Celsius to 20,000 degrees.
- For most reason the temperature of chromosphere can be taken around 7700 degree Celsius but it varies.
Answer: Gas giants are larger, have more moons, and are less dense. They also are outer planets. Terrestrial planets are more dense, have a rocky and hard surface, and less moons sometimes no moons. They are called the inner planets.
the chloroplasts in the cells of the leaf