The answer is A
Typhoons are basically like hurricanes, formed by weather and climate.
Tornados are formed by weather activity.
Floods can happen from weather or tectonic activity, but its more of an indirect effect rather than a direct one.
Earthquakes are from tectonic activity, the right of fire is the boundary of a tectonic plate.
Studying geography reveals human history.
India and Pakistan
Shatter belt is a concept in geopolitics according to which on the political map are recognized and analyzed strategically positioned and oriented regions that are deeply internally divided and encompassed in the competition between the great powers in the geostrategic areas and spheres.
Ancient India's development was mostly due to natural protection and relative isolation from the the rest of Asia.
There were four civilizations in the Old World that are considered as the cradles of civilization in this part of the world, those being Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Hindus Valley Civilization, and Ancient China. All of the are civilizations that flourished along the banks of large rivers with frtile valleys. The Hindus Valley Civilization in India, was different than the rest though.
The civilization that developed in Ancient India was one that didn't engaged in military action nor there is any evidence of internal conflicts. Even later in history when the Aryans migrated to the region there was no military conflict but mixing of people and culture. The reason that this civilization managed to flourish and develop at a very high level for its time was the safety. The Himalayas are a natural barrier that prevented any military conquests from other parts of Asia, so the people were able to live without fear and in peace, being able to fully focus on science, phylosophy, and development of their society.