Dictionary is the primary point of access in a catalog record. A complete bibliographic description, including the primary access point heading, presented in the format in which the item is to be identified and cited.
Some dictionaries will include the acronym on the same line as the term entry. Others will simply put the acronym in parentheses after the term entry. These data categories are not yet found in many dictionaries. Preferred terms are those that are typically found in a style manual.
The style manual will recommend certain terms to be used instead of similar terms. Nonstandard variants have entered the dictionary world as a result of analyzing various corpora (the documents from which you draw terms) and determining that the writers are using different terms with the same definitions. Nonstandard variants are atypical term usages that are added to dictionaries to inform Natural Language Processing engines that personal data and individual information are interchangeable.
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He wanted to show what happens when a country is caught unaware by an enemy. (for apex)
The social issue that Kate Chopin primarily depicts in her story "The Story of an Hour" is the inner concerns of ordinary women in the nineteenth century.
A. Prepositional.
'In the kitchen' is a place. Therefore it is prepositional.
Precautions must be taken by motorists if food is consumed while driving.