"When water molecules escape from your frozen food, it is also possible for oxygen molecules to seep in. The oxygen molecules can dull the color and modify the flavor of your frozen product. Food that has freezer burn is safe to eat, but you may find the texture and taste not to your liking."
Source - https://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/mysteries/freezerburn.html
Being quick to forgive.....
The answer would be 4. just yourself
If you only have yourself for support then theres no system in place
Jack is probably most likely to have Schizoaffective Disorder which is a chronic mental health condition , because the symptoms are depression, which is Jack being depressed and sullen, and mania which explains the tearing down of walls and ¨renovation¨, also being delusional is another symptom as Jake does renovation projects in his house to make his house in a ¨mansion¨.