Meiosis is used to to make sex cells.
Mitosis is used to make regular cells for you body.
They are capable of regenerating body parts
Ambystoma mexicanum or commonly "axolotl" is an amphibian that live in the Mexican basin and currently is in danger due to the destruction of its natural habitat. This species is used in scientific research because the axolotl is capable of regenerating lost parts of their bodies.
means lethal dose. LD50 is the amount of a material, administered at once to
cause the death of half (50%) of a group of test organisms. A test which shows that LD50 of a certain
chemical is 20 mg per kg means that 20 milligrams of that chemical for every 1
kilogram body weight of the test animal when administered in one dose, causes
the death of 50% of the test group.</span>
The one responsible for producing experience of depth is
responsible for illusions. Illusions are images of which things aren’t the
usual or they don’t depict an image that it is considered to be usual. It is
some sort of imagery or perceiving something that exist though it is different
in form.
Increased frequency of the allele for sickle cell anemia
Sickle cell anemia is fatal in homozygous genotype. The homozygous genotype having two copies of the allele for sickle cell anemia is not favored by natural selection due to its reduced survival success.
However, the heterozygous genotype for sickle cell anemia with one allele for the disease exhibit malaria resistant. The presence of one allele is not fatal for the organisms as the presence of one normal allele ensures the formation of some normal hemoglobin protein and RBCs to support the oxygen delivery to the body parts.
The increased survival success of heterozygous genotype in malaria-prone regions allowed their natural selection. This increased the frequency of allele for the sickle cell anemia in the gene pool of the local population and increased the frequency of heterozygous dominant genotype.