How did the battle of gallipoli end?
Atlanta is rejected by her father because she is a girl. Purseus is humiliated by the king because he is not rich. Theseus is mocked by his peers for his drive to move the rock.
D) to divide former Ottoman and German territories among Allied Powers
The World War I ended with a win of the Allies. This mean that they also managed to get their hands on the territories that were occupied by the Germans and the Ottomans until then. The territories in question were in the Middle East and in Africa. The Mandate System was practically having the purpose of the Allies to make an agreement as to who will take which territory under their control in the name of the League of Nations, thus dividing the territories in accordance to their interest in a peaceful manner.
Work means to work for a job and work hard around the house snd work hard to get what you want to achieve and sell services means to sell things
The sun-centred model of the universe as proposed by Copernicus was not immediately accepted because it challenged the religious dogma that had held sway in the middle ages because this dogma required the earth to be at the center and man the creation of god as a unique event only on the earth so if helio centrism was to take hold it would relegate man and the earth to a lesser important aspect of the universe.