Answer: No you can not put a price for happiness. It’s an emotion.
Explanation: happiness comes from joy and pure goodness. Sure money can buy some happiness. But it does not last forever. That is why true happiness does not have a price but is highly valued.
Aftermath. In the end, the Huns were instrumental in bringing down the Roman Empire, but their contribution was almost accidental. They forced other Germanic and Persian tribes into Roman lands, undercut Rome's tax base, and demanded expensive tribute. Then they were gone, leaving chaos in their wake.
Remember claims should start with “if” and then have “than”.
If books are heavy than you should not be able to pick them up. Considering muscular strength of the human body the heavier something is the less likely they will be able to pick it up. Thicker books are known to be heavier because they use more paper. Over the years it has been scientifically proven that books are getting longer. It is known that young adult books are the heaviest. This means that most books are known to be heavy.
Atlantis sank into the sea just as WTC fell into Manhatten