1. In James Joyce's story "Araby", the archetypal hero's quest is described in <em>He must overcome obstacles and difficulties to win the pure maiden's love</em>.
2. In "Araby", James Joyce uses many archetypal images: the innocent youth, the mysterious female, and the distracted adult. The distracted adult affects the meaning of the story because <em>He creates tension in the story as the uncle who gets home late and forgets about the boy's intentions</em>.
3. Joyce uses the setting to allude to how the boy feels about this particular time in his life. The allusion made by the boy affects the meaning of this passage because<em> it describes how the boy seeks higher ground as a refuge from his confusion and passion for the girl</em>.
4. The pair of quotations that best shows how Joyce links the excerpt from Genesis with the excerpt from "Araby" is <em>"a central apple-tree" with "the tree of knowledge".</em>