Feelings of nationalism declined because the war destroyed farmlands across the country. American military leaders became unpopular for leading the country into a costly war
The revolution of 1848 benefited Louis Napoleon so much. When the election for Presidency was held, he filed a candidacy and won the election which made him the President of the Republic. The revolution of 1848 meant the end of the rule of King Louis Philippe.
The Equal Rights Amendment<span> (ERA) was a proposed </span>amendment<span> to the United States Constitution designed to guarantee </span>equal rights<span> for </span>women<span>. The ERA was originally written by Alice Paul and Crystal Eastman. In 1923, it was introduced in the Congress for the first time.
B.Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt was American politician who served as 26th president of the US. He stayed in office from 1901 to 1909. He also worked as 25th vice president of USA. He is considered to be among five best presidents. Construction of [panama canal was completed during his presidency, he used Big Stick Diplomacy and brokered to get agreement for constructing Panama canal. He also expanded US influence in Cuba and negotiated the peace treaty between Russia and Japan.