The native amercians sufferd and were killed
Mass production of printed material. Before the press, each page of a Bible, for example, could take all day to write. After the press it would take a few days to carve the stamp, but then you could print 50 copies of the page in a very short time.
It was the Civil rights Act of 1866 that was passed by Congress to protect the voting rights of blacks in the South, although it wasn’t very effective, because it couldn't be enforced.
Answer: Keynesian economists stated that the recession of 1937 was a result of a premature effort to curb government spending and balance the budget. Roosevelt had been cautious not to run large deficits. In 1937 he actually achieved a balanced budget. Therefore, he did not fully utilize deficit spending.
Answer: Karok, Maidu, Cahuilleno, Mojave, Yokuts