Many of pullman strike workers joined the American railway, which supported their strike by launching a boycoty in which ARU members refused to run trains containing pullman cars
Mayan clerics thought divine beings uncovered their arrangements through developments of the sun,moon and stars so they considered the sky intently.
The Renaissance was a fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic “rebirth” following the Middle Ages. Generally described as taking place from the 14th century to the 17th century, the Renaissance promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature and art.
The correct answer is "The United States hoped to benefit from problems in Latin America.".
Latin American governments are considered as "faulty democracies" or "pseudo-democracies", as government institutions are constantly threated by external fights for power.
Latin America is also a region with many resources, therefore, by aiding governments in this region. The United States lays a path to good relationships with the regimes that will result in ease in trade relations and foreign investment by private American Enterprises in these countries.
(Jacobins group) The Jacobins killed people in an attempt to purge the public in France. They believed many people were a threat to the nation.
This is actually pretty common and the reason "why" is due to the idea of hysteria. Hysteria clouds judgement. There are so many examples of hysteria clouding societies judgement in society.