In the first step of meiosis I, the chromosomes/genetic material of the cell condenses into a visible form, into a form called heterochromatin. The nucleolus also disappears.
In the second step, a process called synapsis occurs. This is when homologous chromosomes align themselves, gene by gene.
In the third step, crossing over occurs. Segments of corresponding DNA are cut and exchanged between non-sister chromatids of the formed tetrads.
In the fourth step, the nucleus fragments, the nuclear envelope fragments, the two centrosomes (if we're talking about an animal cell) separate from each other as their asters and mitotic spindles (mostly microtubules (kinetochore and non-kinetochore) lengthen. The microtubules extending from the centrosomes can now connect to chromosomes.
The young tomato plant doesn't have enough energy to pull more leaves out after its already grown a stem, very hot temperatures will stunt the growth of the tomato plant because of this.
dies of a undignosed disease at age 7
A terminally ill 7-year-old girl — who two years ago received Christmas cards from well-wishers around the world — died Friday at her Sanpete County home of an undiagnosed disease that had caused her to stop growing at age 3.
Chlorophyll absorbs the red and blue segment of the white light and photosynthesis occurs most efficiently at these wavelengths.
When the light falls on the plant, the chlorophyll pigment absorbs this light and electrons in it gets excited.
This process occurs in a complex protein system which is collectively called as a photosystem.
Starch and fat
Explanation: ATP is for short term energy. ADP is used to make ATP.