A Scientific Hypothesis Must Be Testable
For a hypothesis to be testable means that it is possible to make observations that agree or disagree with it. If a hypothesis cannot be tested by making observations, it is not scientific.19-Feb-2021
Shallow & warm
A lot of plant and animal life
Many nutrients
Large, deep, cold
Little sunlight near bottom
Plants mainly along the shore
Proteins are broken down by the enzymes pepsin and peptidase, and by hydrochloric acid. Lipids are broken down by lipases.
Because bacteria can be good for the environment
The correct answer will be option - D.
Slime moulds are the fungus-like protists which bear a structure called sporangium which produces spores. The sporangium is produced in fungi as well due to which these protists are called fungus-like. Although both produce sporangium but they are not closely related, rather they are distantly related organisms.
The appearance of a sporangium in both indicates that they had faced the same conditions due to which they both showed the same adaptation by producing the same structures performing the same function. In evolutionary terms, this is an example of convergent evolution.
Thus, option D is the correct answer.