The correct answer is:
D. Gene A is assorting independently of genes B and C, which are linked.
According to the text it is possible to deduce that the first allele of gene A appears with allele of gene B or C half of times. On the other side alleles of genes B or C appear at the same time in 14.4% of the cases. This information shows how A is and independent variable and how B and C are related as they appear together as well.
B) Feedback inhibition
Feedback inhibition is a situation in which the end product of a reaction controls the action of the enzyme that helped produce it. In this process the end products formed at the end of a sequence of reactions participate in inhibiting the activity of the enzymes that helped synthesis the end product. Some examples of products that are used in feedback inhibition are CTP, citrate and Isoleucine. While negative feedback is used in the context of inhibition, negative feedback may also be used for promoting a certain process.
Therefore, when the end product of a pathway inhibits catalysis of the first step of that pathway, this phenomenon is called Feedback inhibition.
This answer is true because of the biodiversity law
40 percent of the world’s economy and 80 percent of the poor are derived from biological resources. This means, the richer the diversity of life, the greater the opportunity for medical discoveries, economic development, and adaptive responses to such new challenges as climate change.
is a member of a group of non epics tactic genes that interact additively to influence a phenotypic trait