The following statements that are true of Henry Hudson are:
-He claimed New York Harbor and the Hudson River for the Dutch.
-He sailed to North America four times.
-He never found a waterway through North America.
Henry Hudson was an English explorer and sailor. He was hired by the Muscovy Company to find the North Eastern Corridor, and his efforts failed in 1607 and 1608. He embarked on a third voyage to find a route to Asia at the request of the Dutch East India Company in 1609. When it was blocked by the ice in Spitsbergen, Hudson decided to sail west to try to find the Northwest Passage. Exploring the bays of Chesapeke, Delaware, and New York, the Dutch claimed that area in North America. His fourth voyage to find the Northwest Passage, was financed by the English in 1610. After a long period of freezing, his crew underwent mutiny and Hudson, his son, and seven other men were left to die. Hudson Bay and the Hudson River are named after him.