To check if the year comes under each 100th year, lets check if the remainder when dividing with 100 is 0 or not.
Similarly check for 400th year and multiple 0f 4. The following C program describes the function.
bool is_leap_year(int year);
void main()
int y;
bool b;
printf("Enter the year in yyyy format: e.g. 1999 \n");
scanf("%d", &y); // taking the input year in yyyy format.
b= is_leap_year(y); //calling the function and returning the output to b
printf("Thae given year is a leap year \n");
printf("The given year is not a leap year \n");
bool is_leap_year(int year)
if(year%100==0) //every 100th year
if(year%400==0) //every 400th year
return true;
return false;
if(year%4==0) //is a multiple of 4
return true;
return false;
Output is given as image
A huge number of systems use a process called Pseudo Random Number Generation (PRNG). In NIST SP 800-90, The PRNG has a set of parameters that define various variables within the algorithm. The PRNG variable strength is defined in NIST SP 800-90 as a number associated with the amount of work required to break a cryptographic algorithm or system.
Contrast is a tool that photographers use to direct viewers' attention to their subject. There are two types: Tonal Contrast and Color Contrast. TC refers to the difference in tones from the lightest tone to the darkest tone, in other words, the difference in tones from white to gray to black.
heheh there you go
The answer is B.
Read the answer I posted for your other question on the factorial of 7.
In Function library you would find the use in Formula function