In the bible, Jesus also says in the bible "love others as I have loved you"
As to what I know the people from Jerusalem did not get along with the Samaritains. This story gives a lesson of helping each other no matter what race or ethnicity people are. Jesus wanted to show that even your friends can walk beside you and see that you need help, but they will only ignore the fact that you need them. That is not all, the main message in Jesus' words was to "love others as I have loved you." You should love God because he saved our lives when he died on the cross for our sins, He paid the price for our sins because he loves us! "Love you neighbor as yourself," think about it if you need something you go quick and get it, if you get hurt you make sure you find the help you need to get better, that is what He means. Love others as you love yourself!
(I spell he with an uppercase sometimes because when we talk about God or Jesus we have to write it with an uppercase!)
What is a true statement about the us constitution?....well .... George Washington is not mentioned in the text of the US Constitution, however he was President of the Constitutional Convention, and a signatory to the document. George Washington became President of the United States by election a year after the constitution was ratified.
The oldest constitution still in use is the Constitution of San Marino established in 1600; nearly two centuries before the US constitution. and The US Constitution was inspired in part by the Magna Carta, but is very different in format and detail.
Thomas Jefferson was not a delegate to the Constitutional Convention which wrote the US Constitution; at the time he was the US Ambassador to France so had no part in writing that document..
The Seminoles were forced to cross both the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi.
The linguistic relatively hypothesis, <span>Edward Sapir and his student Benjamin Lee Whorf advanced the linguistic relatively hypothesis, which argues that language influences our perceptions of the world. This is because we are more likely to be aware of things if we have words for them.</span>
Son palabras que siempre acompañan a un sustantivo y concretan su significado. Son palabras variables: concuerdan en género y número con el sustantivo, y si tiene un adjetivo, también con él.