Confucio desarrolló una filosofía política que reflejaba su horror ante la guerra constante que lo rodeaba.
Deambuló de reino en reino, tratando de persuadir a los gobernantes para que siguieran sus enseñanzas, pero nunca logró nada más que un puesto público de bajo escalafón.
Sin embargo, sí consiguió un grupo devoto de seguidores, que transmitió sus enseñanzas a las generaciones posteriores.
Colorful entertainment in the late nineteenth and the early twentieth century, which portrayed the West as full of adventure and romance. It rarely depicted the reality of western life. The first of these shows was organized by William F. Cody, also known as "Buffalo Bill".
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lewis and clark were helped by sacajawea and other natives.
Bartolomeu Dias was a nobleman from Portugal.
The eastern part of Scandinavia is better for agriculture than the western part because the eastern part has more fertile soil. Its fertility is better than the west region. The eastern part is very mountainous, irrigation, for example, can be taken place. However, the eastern part of Scandinavia is flat.