The correct answer is D. enforce new laws in the South. The problem was that there were still a lot of racially discriminatory laws in the south and a lot of social discrimination which made it difficult to enforce new laws,such as the prohibiton of racial discrimination of voting.
gossip, religion, lies, betrayal,
A lot of social changes and events occurred that caused the Salem witch trials. The current religion at the time was puritanism, they were a very strict and proper group of people. They believed that everyone was born evil and they their life was to listen and obey the word of god to get into heaven. Most stories go back saying the cause of the Salem Witch trials began by a slave named Tituba, who was teaching the local girls games/answers through witchcraft. Once this outbreak occurred many of the girls began to act strangely and accused people of bewitching them. All you had to say was so and so is a witch and that person was on trial for witchcraft. You didn't even have to be necessarily be involved if a name was asked a name was said. If you went against the word of God or questioned why someone was a witch or defended them you were also accused of being a witch. I hope this helps better understand the Salem witch trials.
Simon Bolivar - Venezuela
Bernardo O’Higgins - Chile
Dom Pedro - Brazil
Jose Maria Morelos - Mexico
Hope this helps!
The correct answer is converted to christian orthodox.
In 988 Vladimir prince of Kiev converted to christian orthodox in order to help to unify people.
The father of Vladimir was a prince in Rurik dynasty. Vladimir took over after the death of his father in 972. Before Vladimir taking over his father's post, he was a prince in Novgorod.
Vladimir consolidated the realm of Kievan from Ukraine, Baltic sea, Belarus and Russia. He unified people against Baltic tribes. eastern nomads and incursion of Bulgarian.
Those who were the followers of slavic paganism were being converted to christians by Vladimir and they were then christianized by Kiev Rus'