Emperor dispatched Japanese Officials to Europe and the United States; Modeled Government after Enlightened American and European governments; Meiji Rule; Build Army and Navy to rival Germany's and England's; Changed the economic system through Industrialization.
There was a fear of communism in the US and Europe.
Because the more you spread out the power, the less one person has. Therefore, the more people that have power, the tyrant will have less power.
Explanation: The impact of the change of power from the Kshatriyas to the Brahmins In Aryan society, occurred through the Caste System, which was intended to give each person their place in society. For this reason, the Kshatriyas belonged to a caste of rulers and warriors and were inferior to that of the Brahmins, who were generally ranked as priests and spiritual leaders and who possessed the highest rank within the caste system, since they were considered beings supreme These two types of systems were the highest in India. However, upon reaching the Hierarchy of Brahmins, there was a specific objective and it was to impact the lives of people becoming the highest governors and beings of light of that society.