If you r asking WHAT an Improper fraction is
An improper fraction is a fraction in which the numerator (top number) is greater than or equal to the denominator (bottom number). Fractions such as 65 or 114 are “improper”.
The nettle animals. Corals, sea anemones and jellyfish belong to a group of animals called cnidarians (pronounced 'nid-air-e-ans'). ... With 1,048 marine species, cnidarians are one of the largest groups of invertebrates in New Zealand waters.
The area residing in the center explains the bilatial tibulti, which precedents the bratuluti tubilitu. As for the rack itself, it has a half-moon (in laymens terms) axial, which appendages smoothly in all transition. The answer would certainty relate less to moving and a part itself, and more towards coordination or other terms (for which there are many), as this question is quite subjective.
In short, it has nearly free half-moon movement, though blocked in transition by its own quartsor axial.
deoxyribose sugar in DNA and ribose sugar in RNA.
DNA contains THYMINE but RNA contains URACIL in place ot that and all other nitrogen bases are same.
Hope it helps. if you need more info ask. please mark brainliest it helps us.