I believe that is called a dual role
I wouldn't start with A. She may be the spokesperson for those that don't like the Uniforms; her best course of action is present those views herself.
You don't want to give the powers that B any arguments at all. They may say "Well if you don't like Uniform A then choose 1 you do like and we'll endorse it." If she hates the idea of uniforms, she should never open the door to this option. Not B
Don't use question and answer until those who make the deciscion know what you are thinking. Not D.
You also don't want to make fun of the choice you may in the end be stuck with. Besides, you are making a kind of nasty comment about fellow students. Not E.
I think C is your answer. Be polite. Present your arguments. Remember the board holds the hammer and you do not. They have the power and you do not. They may not know exactly why you oppose uniforms, so treat your subject seriously.
Is there any more information to go along with the question?
This is a fragment, friend.
1. Dougie thought that karas mother killed his second son Aaron instead it was just that he didn't have his life jacket on
2. karas mum found out that he was a cheat
as Dougie was trying to sell his fish as line caught fish and line caught fish is expensive
answer was taken from chapter 14