The answer is (c) infinite loop
Answer: C. You are a project manager for Laredo Pioneer's Traveling Rodeo Show. You're heading up a project to promote a new line of souvenirs to be sold at the shows. You're ready to document the processes you'll use to perform the project as well as define how the project will be executed and controlled and how changes will be monitored and controlled. You are working on the project management plan.
the answer is: B: personal learning networks allow you to digitally collaborate with peers.
Using the code snippet in the question, each of the following terms would be considered the...
AlcoholicIngredient = Class Name
Ingredient = Parent Class
volume = member variable, field, or property
calc_total_alcohol = method
ingredient = object
ingredient.input = method call
These would be the classification of each of these terms in the snippet of Object-Oriented Programming Code. The terms after the keyword Class is the Class Name. The term after the keyword extends is the Parent Class. The term volume comes after the keyword Real meaning its an integer variable. cacl_total_alcohol comes after the Public Function keyword making it a method. The variable ingredient comes after the Ingredient Class Name and is being equalled to an ingredient constructor making it an object of class Ingredient. Lastly, the ingredient.input() is calling the input method that exists within the Ingredient class.