The protocol that should be used for establishing a secure network connection is SSH.
The following information is to be considered:
- SFTP is secure also it is a protocol for file transferring that applied SSH.
- IP, FTP, and DHCP should not be for safety purposes as they are not secure.
- SSH is a secured connection for the remote sites so here the SSH protocol should be used.
Therefore we can conclude that The protocol that should be used for establishing a secure network connection is SSH.
oid changeCase (char char_array[], int array_size ) {
mov eax, char_array;
mov edi, 0;
cmp edi, array_size;
jge exit;
mov ebx, edi;
shl ebx, 2;
mov cl, [eax + ebx];
//working on it
cmp cl, 0x41;
jl next_indx;
cmp cl, 0x7A;
jg next_indx;
cmp cl, 'a';
jl convert_down;
jge convert_up;
or cl, 0x20; //make it lowercase
jmp write;
and cl, 0x20;
jmp write;
mov byte ptr [eax + ebx], cl
inc edi;
cmp edi, array_size;
jl readArray;
mov char_array, eax;
- Move char_array to eax as it is base image
- Use ebx as offset
- Use ecx as the storage register
- check if cl is <= than ASCII value 65 (A)
Gmail is an example of a locally installed email client
1. =CONCATENATE(" John"," ","Smith")
2. =(" John"&" "&"Smith")
Two separate strings; "John" and "Smith"
2 separate formulas to concatenate both strings to form " John Smith"
There are several ways to concatenate strings in Microsoft Office Excel; one of the methods is using the concatenate function while the another method is using the traditional & operator.
Using the concatenate function, the formula is as follows
=CONCATENATE(" John"," ","Smith")
This function will combine the " John", " " and "Smith" to give a new string " John Smith" (without the quotes).
Using the traditional & operator may be a little bit difficult (and not frequently used) but the formula is as follows;
=(" John"&" "&"Smith")
The result will be the same as (1) above