you select the element you wish to animate
In java there are eight primitive data types has a class dedicated, and then we can find eight wrapper classes, I'm going to let you the next table with the 8 example:
Assume the next table byte and Int are primitive data, the different with byte is only the capital letter Byte.
Primitive Wrapper Class
boolean Boolean
byte Byte
char Character
int Integer
float Float
double Double
long Long
short Short
Generally, an online newspaper has a code of conduct for the comments accepted. Hate speech, racism, cursing, sexual comments or bigotry is usually not allowed. She may also want to be looking for spam comments such as links or ads where someone is trying to sell something from the comment section
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Tip Try using words that might appear on the page that you’re looking for. For example, 'cake recipes' instead of 'how to make a cake'.
I hope you help
If the options are: <span><span><span>A.Socialism, </span><span>B.Liberalism, </span><span>C.Anarchism, </span>D.Conservatism, then the answer is D. Conservatism. I can see that some people have previously answered Anarchism. But it can't be the right answer because anarchism does not advocate either leftist or rightist politics - it advocates stateless politics. On the other hand, both left-wing and right-wing politics operate within the conventional field of states and governments. Now, communism is the extreme leftist position of egalitarianism, that is social equality, without private property. On the other hand, conservatism advocates social hierarchies and inequality as a natural order of society. Liberalism isn't the answer either because it isn't a rightist political option.</span></span>