Our schema for the event selectively "tunes" our attention toward expected events and away from unexpected events.
Schema can be defined as follows;
1. A hypothetical knowledge structure that contains what a person knows about a particular concept, including the relations among objects, relevant events, actions and sequences of actions
Example 1: Your knowledge of an egg
once it is activated, it affects attention, interpretation and memory
Example 2: A recovering alcoholic is interested in dating a librarian and sees her at a party and his friend says she was drinking beer.
but he swears she was drinking soda. His schemas about librarians led him to improperly encode what she was drinking.
2. When people have judgements about everyday events, the feature-matching process usually leads people to select the right schema to encode a given event.
3. The influence of schemas on behavior: research in which participants who were primed to think of elderly people later walked more slowly down a hallway.
In October 1934, during a civil war, embattled Chinese Communists broke through Nationalist enemy lines and began an epic flight from their encircled headquarters in southwest China. Known as the Long March, the trek lasted a year and covered some 4,000 miles (or more, by some estimates).
pls send the question properly.... south of what??
The correct answer is the Tene Bimb0 Clan.
The Tene Bimb0 Clan refers to a group of five women who killed their husbands between 1983 and 1995 in San Francisco. These five women were all married to men much older to them, and each killed their husband by poisoning them with <em>digitalis -</em>a heart medicine made from foxglove flowers. The members of the Tene Bimb0 Clan proceeded to steal their dead husbands' assets, such as money, automobiles, jewelry, etc., after murdering them.