Utopia was written by Thomas More in 1516 and it has been very controversial ever since. The book is divided in two books where Thomas More puts himself as the main character, that goes on a business trip with his friend Peter Giles and meets Raphael Hythloday (a great explorer who has traveled around the world).
They have a controversial talk about opinions over philosophy and it's influence on politics, that can be interpreted as controversial ideas More was having while trying to decide if he should join the king's service or not, because he wrote Utopia before he became Lord Chancellor.
Utopia in the book is a place Hythloday talked about and described as the greatest place on Earth, while More and Giles didn't believe such place could exist.
Thomas More, an English lawyer, writer and scholar, published his literary work, <em>Utopia</em>, in 1516. Two books characterize it: in the first one, Sir More criticizes the English society of the 15th century while, in the second one, he describes the island. The word "Utopia" comes from the Greek and it means "no place". Indeed, <em>Utopia</em> is an imaginary place.
The author who proposed the theory of "natural selection," which other people called "survival of the fittest" was named Charles Darwin. These two ideas are the founding basis of the theory of evolution.