By censoring the newspaper of the school, the rights of freedom of speech of the students was violated by the principal of the school.
When the principal of the Hazelwood school censored the newspaper of the school, the children of that school thought that their right of the freedom of speech was violated. As a result of this, they did file a case on the school and the principal for the violation of their right.
The ruling that the court gave in this case was that the Supreme Court held that schools may restrict what is published in student newspapers if the papers have not been established as public forums. This ruling went against the students of the school.
A! The French and the Spanish wanted to convince everyone that their religion was the best.
Socialism is a reaction against the <u>A. in equal power between the worker and an employer</u>.
The socialism is a political theory which is mainly based on the ownership and the self-employment. It deals with the social and the economic systems. According to this theory, the ownership can be collective, public, or cooperative.
This began during the French Revolution. The socialism lead to many theories such as economic democracy, socialist calculation debate, and so on. Karl Marx, German sociologist played a wide role in socialism.
More opportunities for American Indians Right to self-government;
Recognition of treaty rights