President warren Hardlin defined Normalcy as "a return to the way of life before World War I, was United Statespresidential candidate Warren G. Harding's campaign slogan for the election of 1920. ... Harding's promise was to return the United States' prewar mentality, without the thought of war tainting the minds of the American people"
Multiple musicians use improvisation at the same time.
Hot jazz can also be called Dixieland, and it can also be called traditional jazz. It is a subgenre of Jazz, but its differential is the constant improvisation of all musicians and singers, who can even improvise simultaneously, giving a bohemian tone, freedom, fun and diversity to music, different from New Orleans Jazz that it presented a fixed musical structure, where all the musicians followed melodies and compositions strictly established for each one of them.
Land needed to be cleared for farming,and since deforestation is already a problem.
Where are the options? Rewrite it again.
the wet and dry seasons.
The wet season is between the months of June to November, while the dry season is from December to May.