The pressure of rising population and more workers on the supply of land
If the government introduces plan to improve technology and extend physical capital, this will result in the development of a country. If a country is facing a problem of high population growth rate then these developments will be off set. The excess of land will be used by increased population and enhancement in physical capital will be temporary as it will be offset by rising population pressure.
to expose the conflict between the two feuding families
The play begins with the two families showcasing their feud for each other. It starts with the servants of the Capulets seeing the servants of the Montagues approaching and deciding to start a quarrel with them because their masters were quarrelling with each other.
This establishes that there was a conflict between the two families. It was also a foreboding of the tragedy that was to occur in the later part of the drama.
no I do no think it contains a comma splice
Outlining before you write a paper is good so you can get a general idea for it all and organize it before diving in.