The ability of species of living beings to overproduce offspring
Darwin proposed that species have the ability to produce offspring at a rate that could cause a geometric increase in the population size. This is called biotic potential. The overproduction of offspring causes intraspecific competition for the limited available resources. Darwin reasoned that the overproduction of progeny leads to a struggle for existence between the individuals of a population. He observed that the struggle for existence does not allow the population size of species to grow geometrically.
Light that passes through a polarizing filter is called a vacuum.
Lysosomes : Small organelles filled with enzymes which are used to break down lipids, proteins, and carbs
The differecnce is in the amount of DNA present and what type. In meiosis you have a diffrent amount of DNA than mitosis and the DNA in meisosis has done crossing over aand is different than the original. Mitosis is exactly the same
Actin and myosin are completely overlapped