Caballos (horses)
<span>In August, held in Managua. Festival honors horses (caballos) which march through the streets with their riders.</span>
<span>Did you protect the monkey? Yes, the monkey is already protected. Did you recycle the containers? Did you discover the path to the volcano? Did you keep the trees in the reserve? Did you pick up the flowers in the garden? Did you develop solar energy for the house?</span>
1.-Mi novio es inteligente y guapo.
2.-La mujer pelirroja enseña periodismo.
3.-Nosotros somos simpáticos y trabajadores.
4.-¿Los turistas japoneses esperan el autobús?
5.-Ustedes toman muchas pruebas en la clase de español. (prueba=examen)
You need to check and conjugate, also in the last one sometimes for "test" you can use prueba or test
varias reservas de la biosfera conectadas entre sí