The answer is choice D.
The Reformation was the start of Protestantism and the split of the Western Church into Protestantism and what is now the Roman Catholic Church.
The most important purpose of government as detailed in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution is:
To establish justice.
The other purposes of government are secondary to the establishment of justice. The enthronement of justice ensures the realization of the other purposes. Without justice, the government will not be able to achieve any domestic tranquility. Without justice, the government will not be able to realize the common defense of all. Without justice, the government cannot promote the general welfare of the citizenry. Without justice, the government cannot secure the blessings of liberty. Therefore, justice is the fulcrum for the sustenance of the existence of every government. Otherwise, the government simply becomes a pack of cards, without meaning and order.
Mexico has been involved in numerous different military conflicts over the years, with most being civil/internal wars.
As a republican country, we vote for government officials in our house of representative to fight, and represent our beliefs.